Package: Night Owl

From NOK NOK5,625.00
  • Duration: 7 Hours (approx.)
  • Location: Tromso, Troms
  • Product code: P175CS

Increase your chances to see the Northern Lights by joining our Aurora Hunt on 2 evenings and joining for a Express Aurora Hunt on Tromsø island for an evening. Being outside in the wilderness on multiple evenings increases your chances to experience the Northern Lights. 

Discount: 10% the whole cart
Minimum age: 18 years old

Activities included in the package:
Aurora Hunt 
Adults Only Aurora Hunt
Express Aurora Hunt

How to book a package:
- To receive a discount, you need to add all the included activities in the cart
- Go to 'Experience Tromsø' tab (on the top of the page)
- Choose one of the activities included in the package and select desired date
- On the right side of the booking window you will see suggested packages: add desired activities. Alternatively, click make another booking on the top left of the window.
- Once all the activities in the package are in your cart, you will automatically get a 10% discount!

You can read more about the Aurora Hunt here:

You can read more about the Adults Only Aurora Hunt here:

You can read more about our Express Aurora Hunt here: